Thursday, May 29, 2008

5lbs 11oz at 5:11AM

Kaleb surprised us all today coming into the world via C-section rather than the "normal" route.

As many of you can probably relate to from personal experience or just from stories you've heard or people you know or have known; those few moments after momma gets rolled away until the nurse comes out with thumbs up are pretty hairy in the life of the family member(s) who have been left behind.

It tests your faith - literally! Not some cliche', not some part of a 3point sermon, this is one of those life moments where the proverbial rubber of our belief system hits the road.

I found myself asking, questioning, praying, theorizing.... do I really believe that God has it all worked out? Do I really believe that He is bigger than any medical problem, circumstance or situation? Do I really believe that His peace will cover me right now. My face was stoic, but my guts were rolling. What do I really believe?

In a flood of emotion I was able to answer yes, yes, yes -- God has proved Himself to our family time and again through His word and through personal experience. Yes I believe He will do it again, Yes I believe He is able, Yes I believe He works all things together for good.

Whatever the outcome I was standing on a Rock, a firm foundation and I knew that God's hand was upon me, Carolyn our family in that moment.

Just then a Nurse appeared -- "Your son was born at 5:11"

Praise be to God -- HE IS WORTH BELIVING IN!

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